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We Grow Together Webinar Series

Join us the first four Mondays in May from 6:00-7:30PM

May 1st POSITIVE BEHAVIOR INTERVENTIONS -Learn the importance of a Functional Behavior Assessment, how to reinforce positive behavior, and how to develop a Positive Behavior Support Plan.

May 8th DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESSES –Sometimes, the best way to solve a problem is to prevent it in the first place. Through this training, you will learn strategies to prevent problems from arising in the first place through documentation and letter writing. Also covered are the resolution processes, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

May 15 TH SPECIAL EDUCATION MEDIATION- An overview of what Mediation is and what a mediator does and does not do. It will help parents understand when and how to request mediation, what to expect from mediation, and most importantly, how to plan and prepare for an upcoming mediation.

May 22nd The ART OF EFFECTIVE ADVOCACY –Learn the importance of keeping and organizing your child’s records and what information needs to be in your child’s file. We will also discuss how to communicate more effectively with your child’s school district and the importance of working collaboratively to solve problems.