Early Childhood Program and Training

First Steps is Missouri’s Early Intervention system for infants and toddlers, birth to age 3, who have delayed development or diagnosed conditions that are associated with developmental disabilities.

First Steps works with families by ensuring that coordinated services are provided as conveniently as possible. Participation in First Steps is voluntary and is intended to help families of children with disabilities:

  • Understand their child’s special needs
  • Obtain the help they desire to deal with situations that could interfere with their child’s growth and development.
  • Provide the best conditions for their child’s growth and development.
Call: 1-866-583-2392 to find your local office.


Your experience can help make a difference for ALL Missouri First Steps Families. Click the image below to learn how you can join First Steps Family Stakeholder Meetings. 

Early Childhood Resources

Missouri Family Resources https://familyresources.mo.gov/


Missouri Early Care & Education Connections https://earlyconnections.mo.gov/


DESE’s Office of Childhood https://dese.mo.gov/childhood

Steps to Success Online Trainings

This series of trainings was developed for parents of children, birth to age three. The trainings will help parents to understand the First Steps Program, teach them effective communication and advocacy skills, and help them to prepare for Early Child Special Education.