Facilitated Meetings

Parents have many options when attempting to resolve a disagreement with their child’s school. One informal dispute resolution option that parents have is a facilitated IEP.

IEP facilitation is not mentioned in IDEA and is not mentioned in the procedural safeguards, but it is an approach that is being used more often to help IEP Teams reach agreements in special education decision-making.

A facilitated IEP meeting is a meeting that includes a neutral acilitator.

The facilitator is not a member of the decision making team, and is there to help keep the team focused on the student and developing an IEP that meets the student’s goals. The facilitator helps promote positive communication among IEP team members and works toward reaching consensus. The facilitator keep the IEP team on the agenda and helps capture and document agreements. The facilitator does not participate in the decision making process concerning the content of the student’s IEP.

An IEP facilitator can help support the full participation of all team members.

The facilitator does not make decisions for the IEP team, they clarify points of agreement, model effective communication and listening skills for the team members, ans support the team reaching a consensus. When areas of disagreements occur, the facilitator can provide team members in identifying new options. Most important!

CADRE’s Companion Videos for Individual Education Program Facilitation (FIEP)

2 Videos

Resource Downloads

  • Missouri Facilitated IEP Meeting Request [ENGLISH]
  • Missouri Facilitated IEP Brochure [ENGLISH]
  • Missouri Facilitate IEP Meeting Resources for Parents [ENGLISH]