Get Involved

Thank you for your interest in MPACT.

We are happy to hear that you believe in our mission. We have a lot of ways to get involved with our organization.

Join Our Board of Directors

MPACT (Missouri Parents Act) is looking for enthusiastic individuals to help develop a diverse community-based board of directors. We seek members with a broad variety of backgrounds, ethnicities and experience, people with disabilities, parents of children with disabilities, people with experience with other children’s issues, people simply interested in child education, people with fundraising expertise, business professionals, and educators.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about this position, contact the board at

Join Our Expert Review Panel

The Expert Review Panel for Missouri Parents Act (MPACT) is an independent body composed of experts from various relevant backgrounds. The committee will determine that MPACT materials are of high quality, products and services are highly relevant to educational and early intervention policy and practice, and products and services are useful for improving educational or early intervention policy or practice. Panel members are selected based on equitable geographical representation, gender balance, and professional competencies to represent different approaches and practical experiences from all state regions.