IEP (Individualized Education Program) & Evaluation

The Individualized Education Program or Individualized Education Plan is a very important part of IDEA. Because the IEP is individualized, it is designed for one particular child.

It is an education plan or program for the child’s success in learning and for their future. Parents are expected to partner with the school in developing, reviewing, and revising the IEP for their child. The IEP lays out how the child will get FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education) in the most inclusive setting.

The IEP will also:

  • describe the child’s school achievement and functional performance.
  • describe how the child will be included in the general education classes.
  • establish yearly goals for the child and describes how those goals will be measured;
  • state what special education and related services are needed by the child.
  • describe how the child will be included in state and districtwide tests including the use of alternate testing; and
  • determine what accommodations and/or modifications would be recommended for the child’s instruction and tests.

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