Below are descriptions of trainings the MPACT offers. If you would like to see a calendar of all trainings that are currently scheduled, please view our training calendar.
If you see a training topic in the list below that is now already on our schedule, please request a training and we will contact you to get one scheduled.
Special Education Trainings
Disagreement Resolution Process
Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to prevent it in the first place. Through this training you will learn strategies to prevent problems from arising in the first place through documentation and letter writing. It will inform parents of their other options when disagreements arise and cover the resolution processes included in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act as well as Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Section 504 and Students with Disabilities
The term “Section 504” refers to a specific part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities by any program or activity that receives federal funding. This includes all public schools and any private schools that receive federal funds. Learn about the legal background of Section 504, the evaluation process, 504 plans and services and the procedural safeguards in place to protect individuals with disabilities.
Special Education: What I Need to Know
This training will be a brief overview of the important things to know around the topic of special education. It will address options, key terms, and key steps of the special education process. Also addressed is important things to know about placement and disagreement options.
Special Education Laws: A Brief Overview
In order to be effective when advocating for your child’s education, you need to understand the laws that can impact their educational experience. This training will provide an overview of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Family Educational Right to Privacy Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Every Child Succeeds Act.
Special Education Mediation
This training is designed to provide an overview of what Mediation is as well as what a mediator does and does not do. It will help parents understand when and how to request mediation, what to expect from mediation, and most importantly how to plan and prepare for an upcoming mediation.
How to Write Measurable Annual Goals
Learn how to write individualized and measurable educational goals for your child and track your child’s progress with this easy to understand training for parents of children with disabilities.
Transitions from ECSE to Elementary
This training discusses tips for the transition from early childhood into elementary school as well as information surrounding IEPs components.
Transitions from Elementary to Middle
This training discusses tips for the transition from elementary school to middle school as well as information surrounding IEPs components.
Understanding the IEP Process
Your child’s IEP is the cornerstone of their education. This workshop offers an in-depth look at the evaluation process, qualifying for an IEP, the many components that must be addressed in the IEP document, as well as how progress will be monitored. As a result of this training, parents will gain a better understanding of their role as an equal participant in the IEP Process.
Understanding the Evaluation Process
The evaluation process is the first step in determining if a child needs special education services, a Section 504 Plan or another educational intervention. Parents need to understand the reasons to have a child evaluated, the steps in the evaluation process and the options that can be pursued if there is a disagreement about evaluation.
Understanding the IEP Process for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
This training takes a thorough look at the IEP Process with an emphasis on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Specific information includes how children are evaluated for Autism, what types of evaluation might be used, medical diagnosis versus educational category, and the definition and eligibility criteria for the educational category of Autism.
Understanding the IEP Process for Parents of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
This training takes a thorough look at the IEP Process with an emphasis on matters related to children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Specific information includes communication modes, common modifications to the environment and the definition and eligibility criteria for the educational category of Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
Birth to Three Steps to Success Trainings
Steps to Success: Effectively Communicating Your Children’s Needs
This workshop is designed to support families of young children who are new to the process of working with caregivers and providers on how to communicate effectively regarding your child.
Steps to Success: Understanding the IFSP Process
This workshop helps families of children in the First Steps program or in the process of being evaluated for early interventions understand the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) process and how to be an effective team member.
Steps to Success: Parental Rights
This workshop explains the Parental Rights document that all First Steps families receive and helps families understand what they and their child’s rights are under Part C of IDEA.
Steps to Success: IDEA Part C to B
This workshop is designed to help parents of young children make a smooth transition from IFSP (Part C of IDEA) services to IEP (Part B of IDEA) services. Learn when the transition process should begin, what the difference in services will be, as well as the difference in qualification criteria.
Steps to Success: Family Record Keeping
This workshop is designed to help families understand the importance of keeping and organizing their child’s records. We will discuss what types of records and documentation are important to keep and why.
Other Helpful Topics
Art of Effective Advocacy
This training will focus on the skills of how to be an effective advocate, why you should advocate for your child, and how to know your options. Learn the importance of what documents to gather and keep as well as organizing your child’s records and files. We will also discuss how to communicate more effectively with your child’s school district and the importance of working collaboratively to solve problems.
What is MPACT
This overview explains the services that MPACT offers to students, parents and professionals in Missouri.
McKinney - Vento Homeless Assistance Act Overview
This workshop provides an overview of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. This act focuses on ensuring that highly mobile children and youths have the same education options as their peers.
Bullying Prevention What Parents Can Do
This training contains an overview of the dynamics of bullying, including what bullying is, what the types of bullying are, who is bullied, and why children are bullied. Other topics include steps to intervene in bullying behavior, how to encourage students who witness bullying to take action, the role of the school, and laws and policies.
Positive Behavior Interventions
Parents and teachers will be taught a different way to think about problem behavior. Often behaviors are a form of communication. With this training you will learn the importance of a Functional Behavioral Assessment, how to reinforce positive behavior as well as how to develop a Positive Behavior Support Plan.
Understanding ADHD
What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? How do you qualify? Who can diagnose it, prescribe medications, and offer counseling? Does a child with ADHD automatically qualify for an IEP? This training will answer these questions and many more. It will also provide strategies for parents to teach their children how to manage their symptoms. Also included are “Tips for Teachers” for specific instructional strategies that can be used in the classroom.
Transitions to Adult Life
Be Determined
This training is for young adults who have disabilities to learn the process of being in charge of one’s life. Leadership skills taught include advocating for yourself, leading and participating in your own IEP and making choices and decisions about career, education and living.
Writing Post Secondary Goals for Students with ASD
Young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders face unique challenges in transition to adulthood. This training addresses the development of Post Secondary goals that address common concerns among students with ASD – communication, social skills, self regulation and sensory concerns – as well as Transition Assessment and measuring progress.
Solving the Employment Puzzle
This training centers on employment for youth with disabilities by presenting two distinct strands: self-determination and “do-it-yourself” strategies for parents and concrete information about employment and how to access adult services for teens/young adults. Curriculum is tailored from region to region to local service delivery systems, youth programs and employment resources.
Student-Led IEP Meeting
Engaging students to participate in their IEP meetings has been shown to develop student’s skills in self advocacy and self-determination. This training will provide students with a better understanding of what an IEP is and why it is important as well as how to participate in and present information at their own IEP meetings.
Parents Facilitate and Youth Take Action
The information discussed in this training will help parents and youth understand the importance of planning for life after high school. Hands-on activities are provided for youth to practice using skills for problem solving, goal setting, and participation in their IEP meeting. Materials include information about Self Determination, and Self Advocacy Skills, including the importance of youth participating in their own IEP Meetings.
Graduation Requirements for Students in Missouri Public and Charter Schools
Graduating from high school is an important part of moving into adult life. This training will provide you with the requirements for students to graduate from a Missouri public or charter high school with a diploma. It will also describe the importance and process of developing an Individual Career Education Plan (ICAP), compare various ways to earn credit and explain the policy considerations a district can make for students with disabilities under IDEA and ADA Section 504. You will also learn the importance of the Summary of Performance and Prior Written Notice that are provided upon graduation.