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One Step at a Time Webinar Series

One Step at a Time Webinar Series will be a series of webinars focused on First Steps/Early Childhood families. Daily at 9am a Steps to Success webinar will be presented.

Monday- Effectively Communicating Your Child’s Needs- Ways families of young children new to the process can effectively communicate with caregivers and providers to effectively become your child’s voice

Tuesday-Understanding the IFSP- The evaluation process and development of the Individualized Family Service Plan and being an effective team member

Wednesday-Parental Rights- Making sure First Steps Families understand their rights under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Thursday-IDEA Part C to B- Knowing the differences in eligibility, process and timing of a child served through an IFSP (Part C of IDEA) to an IEP (Part B of IDEA.

Friday-Family Record Keeping-  Thiswebinar is designed to help families understand the importance of keeping and organizing their child’s records. We will discuss what types of records and documentation are important to keep and why.